Vitamin B1 crystals under the microscopeVitamin B1, also referred to as thiamine, belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. In chemical terms, it concerns a cationic, i.e. positively charged pyrimidine-like compound. Thiamine is predominantly found in free form in plants and compound form in animals as thiamine diphosphate (TDP; also known as thiamine pyrophosphate).


Functions of vitamin B1

  • Because of its special significance in the energy metabolism of the nervous tissue, vitamin B1 belongs to the “neurotropic” vitamins. The primary biological active form of vitamin B1 is TDP and contributes towards normal energy metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system. The B1 energy activator also support the regulated functioning of the heart and normal mental function. In children, the vitamin contributes towards normal metabolism of carbohydrates and generation of energy.


Useful information.

  • Vitamin B1 arbeitet im Energie- und Nervenstoffwechsel eng mit anderen Nährstoffen, darunter Vitamin B2, Niacin und Pantothensäure sowie dem Mineralstoff Magnesium und dem Vitaminoid α-​Liponsäure zusammen.
  • Vitamin B1 is sensitive to heat and oxidation. Losses of up to 80 % are to be expected in the storing and preparation of food.

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